Instinctive Influencers
This is the official Instinctive Influencers Podcast. A show that not only entertains but also informs. Our dedication to our listeners and ourselves is to enrich lives in a manner that is considered to be lifelong learning. Our discussions, interviews, and Q&A shows are just part of the overall goal to help others become better at what they want in life and help them influence others.
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Episode 102- Being Comfortable with being Uncomfortable
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Episode 102 – Being Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable w/ John Bonilla
John Bonilla is a well-respected leader in the world of Army Aviation. Also, he is a longtime friend of Brian. So, Brian invited him on to talk about a topic that so many people need to hear and understand. The topic is about learning to become comfortable with the uncomfortable things in life. The growth one can gain from this concept enables furthering themselves and others around them. Give it a listen and let us know what you think!!!
Watch this episode on YouTube:
You can see more about the Instinctive Influencers at:
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Be sure to Subscribe, Rate, and Review our show on the Facebook Page and Apple Podcast. This is how we will continue to create, broaden, and amplify content for all to learn from and grow.
The show's content is the opinions of Brian Webber & Ed Haley. These opinions do not represent the US Army or the United States in any manner. The views of anything said on this show individually represent the person making them. At no point does the US Army or the United States sponsor this show, thus having no connection to the show.
Intro & Outro Music:
Cosmic Storm by A Himitsu:
Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Unported – CC By 3.0:
Music promoted by Audio Library:
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
Episode 101 - Leadership Lessons from the Battle of the Bulge
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
Episode 101 – Leadership Lessons from The Battle of the Bulge
In this episode, Brian and James dive into some history dealing with the 101st Airborne Division during World War II. Both men truly enjoy talking about this topic and you can tell when you hear their voices. This is a can’t miss episode to learn a little about the history and combine it with leadership lessons. Give it a listen and let us know what your think in the comments.
Watch this episode on YouTube:
You can see more about the Instinctive Influencers at:
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Be sure to Subscribe, Rate, and Review our show on the Facebook Page and Apple Podcast. This is how we will continue to create, broaden, and amplify content for all to learn from and grow.
The show's content is the opinions of Brian Webber & Ed Haley. These opinions do not represent the US Army or the United States in any manner. The views of anything said on this show individually represent the person making them. At no point does the US Army or the United States sponsor this show, thus having no connection to the show.
Intro & Outro Music:
Cosmic Storm by A Himitsu:
Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Unported – CC By 3.0:
Music promoted by Audio Library:
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Episode 100!
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Episode 100 – The BIG 100
This is the 100th Episode…we wanted to do it with those who have been by our sides the whole way. So far it has been an adventure…can’t wait to see what the next 100 will bring.
Watch this episode on YouTube:
You can see more about the Instinctive Influencers at:
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Be sure to Subscribe, Rate, and Review our show on the Facebook Page and Apple Podcast. This is how we will continue to create, broaden, and amplify content for all to learn from and grow.
The show content is the opinions of Brian Webber & Ed Haley. These opinions do not represent the US Army or the United States in any manner. The views of anything said on this show individually represent the person making them. At no point does the US Army or the United States sponsor this show, thus having no connection to the show.
Intro & Outro Music:
Cosmic Storm by A Himitsu:
Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Unported – CC By 3.0:
Music promoted by Audio Library:
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Episode 99: A Better Me w/ Justin Kline
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Monday Feb 21, 2022
Episode 99 – A Better Me w/ Justin Kline
This episode’s guest is Justin Kline, who has become Brian’s good friend and workout partner. Like many others who have been on the show, Justin has a unique story that has allowed him to make himself better and those around him. Enjoy this remarkable story of someone who understands how to defy odds and become a better me.
You can see more about the Instinctive Influencers at:
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Be sure to Subscribe, Rate, and Review our show on the Facebook Page and Apple Podcast. This is how we will continue to create, broaden, and amplify content for all to learn from and grow.
The show content is the opinions of Brian Webber & Ed Haley. These opinions do not represent the US Army or the United States in any manner. The views of anything said on this show individually represent the person making them. At no point does the US Army or the United States sponsor this show, thus having no connection to the show.
Intro & Outro Music:
Cosmic Storm by A Himitsu:
Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Unported – CC By 3.0:
Music promoted by Audio Library:
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Episode 98 - Leadership Lessons: The Battle at Gettysburg
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Monday Feb 14, 2022
Episode 98 – Leadership Lessons: The Battle at Gettysburg
The Battle at Gettysburg is one of many sad events to have to take place for Americans, but the good thing is we can learn from those events and hopefully never revisit a Civil War again in the United States.
Watch this episode on YouTube:
You can see more about the Instinctive Influencers at:
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Be sure to Subscribe, Rate, and Review our show on the Facebook Page and Apple Podcast. This is how we will continue to create, broaden, and amplify content for all to learn from and grow.
The show content is the opinions of Brian Webber & Ed Haley. These opinions do not represent the US Army or the United States in any manner. The views of anything said on this show individually represent the person making them. At no point does the US Army or the United States sponsor this show, thus having no connection to the show.
Intro & Outro Music:
Cosmic Storm by A Himitsu:
Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Unported – CC By 3.0:
Music promoted by Audio Library:
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Episode 97 - As the Rotors Turn...
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Monday Feb 07, 2022
Episode 97 – As the Rotors Turn
Today is a special show with 3 guests who will talk about leadership from their perspective. We really hope you enjoy the show.
Watch this episode on YouTube:
You can see more about the Instinctive Influencers at:
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Be sure to Subscribe, Rate, and Review our show on the Facebook Page and Apple Podcast. This is how we will continue to create, broaden, and amplify content for all to learn from and grow.
The show content is the opinions of Brian Webber & Ed Haley. These opinions do not represent the US Army or the United States in any manner. The views of anything said on this show individually represent the person making them. At no point does the US Army or the United States sponsor this show, thus having no connection to the show.
Intro & Outro Music:
Cosmic Storm by A Himitsu:
Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Unported – CC By 3.0:
Music promoted by Audio Library:
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Episode 96 - Washington Crossing the Delaware
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Monday Jan 31, 2022
Episode 96 – Leadership Lessons: Washington Crossing the Delaware
History has so many factors to analyze and learn from. Who better to learn from than our first President and the Commander of the Continental Army. We decided to look at the Crossing of the Delaware River to see what we could learn from this strategic event that some believe changed the course of the Revolutionary war. Enjoy and let us know what you think.
Watch this episode on YouTube:
You can see more about the Instinctive Influencers at:
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Be sure to Subscribe, Rate, and Review our show on the Facebook Page and Apple Podcast. This is how we will continue to create, broaden, and amplify content for all to learn from and grow.
The show content is the opinions of Brian Webber & Ed Haley. These opinions do not represent the US Army or the United States in any manner. The views of anything said on this show individually represent the person making them. At no point does the US Army or the United States sponsor this show, thus having no connection to the show.
Intro & Outro Music:
Cosmic Storm by A Himitsu:
Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Unported – CC By 3.0:
Music promoted by Audio Library:
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Episode 95 - What is Mission Command
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Episode 95 – What is Mission Command?
If you are like our guys on the show, then you were clueless as to what Mission Command is and even what it all means. Well, Brian & Ed take you on an adventure to understand Mission Command and all it consists of, but they don’t dig too far into the weeds. They just give you the basics to help you along.
Watch this episode on YouTube:
You can see more about the Instinctive Influencers at:
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Be sure to Subscribe, Rate, and Review our show on the Facebook Page and Apple Podcast. This is how we will continue to create, broaden, and amplify content for all to learn from and grow.
The show content is the opinions of Brian Webber & Ed Haley. These opinions do not represent the US Army or the United States in any manner. The views of anything said on this show are individually representing the person making them. At no point does the US Army or the United States sponsor this show, thus having no connection to the show.
Intro & Outro Music:
Cosmic Storm by A Himitsu:
Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Unported – CC By 3.0:
Music promoted by Audio Library:
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Episode 94 - Training is Important
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Episode 94 – Training is Important
Training is a critical means to ensure your organization improves. Brian & Ed bring to you a foolproof method to setting up training they have learned during their time in the military. It is a rather simple 8 step process that anyone could use. Give this episode a listen if you are interested in learning the 8-Step Training Model…believe us it is very simple.
Watch this episode on YouTube:
You can see more about the Instinctive Influencers at:
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Be sure to Subscribe, Rate, and Review our show on the Facebook Page and Apple Podcast. This is how we will continue to create, broaden, and amplify content for all to learn from and grow.
The show content is the opinions of Brian Webber & Ed Haley. These opinions do not represent the US Army or the United States in any manner. The views of anything said on this show are individually representing the person making them. At no point does the US Army or the United States sponsor this show, thus having no connection to the show.
Intro & Outro Music:
Cosmic Storm by A Himitsu:
Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Unported – CC By 3.0:
Music promoted by Audio Library:
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Episode 93 - Mentorship Skills
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Episode 93: Mentorship Skills
Brian & Ed peel back the onion even further with mentorship in this episode. The skills needed for a great mentorship program should be made known and then honed for a truly effective program. Some of the areas covered in this episode include:
Core Mentoring Skills:
Listening Actively
Building Trust
Identifying Goals and Current Reality
Critical Skills for Mentors:
Instructing/Developing Capabilities
Providing Corrective Feedback
Managing Risks
Opening Doors
Critical Skills for Mentees:
Acquiring Mentors
Learning Quickly
Showing Initiative
Following Through
Managing the Relationship
Watch this episode on YouTube:
You can see more about the Instinctive Influencers at:
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Be sure to Subscribe, Rate, and Review our show on the Facebook Page and Apple Podcast. This is how we will continue to create, broaden, and amplify content for all to learn from and grow.
The show content is the opinions of Brian Webber & Ed Haley. These opinions do not represent the US Army or the United States in any manner. The views of anything said on this show are individually representing the person making them. At no point does the US Army or the United States sponsor this show, thus having no connection to the show.
Intro & Outro Music:
Cosmic Storm by A Himitsu:
Creative Commons – Attribution 3.0 Unported – CC By 3.0:
Music promoted by Audio Library: